Anydesk Quick Support install

Anydesk Quick Support install

In this article, we will be going to show you how to install Anydes Quick Support on your device.

Please open your browser and go to

Tap on AnyDesk Quick Support to start download the app. Once it downloaded, please open file.

Once "AnyDesk_5.3.6.apk" file is downloaded please open it and install.

Once Anydesk intalled select Open.

Once Anydeks is open, it will show a promt to install Anydesk add-on. Please select Ok

Once you click Ok, it will open a browser and show you a option to Download apk. Please download. 

Once dowloaded, install the add-on apk. Afer install, please select Done option.

After second apk are installed, please go to Andriod home screen, swpie up and you will see Anydesk app.

Important things to note:

AnyDesk clients use the TCP-Ports 80443, and 6568 to establish connections. It is however sufficient if just one of these is opened.