Automatic Discount ( Buy 1 Get 1 Free )
Please follow these steps in order to create an automated discount.
Topic - Buy 1 Get 1 Free.
A. Create for all the products at your store (Per Product ).
B. Create for Particular SKU's at your store.
C. Create for Particular Categories at your store.
FYI - While creating any discount the date and time is a very important field as the discount become active and work between the start and end date/time you defined .
A. In order to create this for all the products at your store please follow these steps.
Condition - For the same product
This discount will be applied until it reaches the number you defined in the Usage quantity (times per shopping cart)
field like in the picture.
1. Please login to your back office ( from a computer/laptop.
2. Please click on Marketing on the left side.
3. Please click on Discounts and Deals.
4. Click on the three dots button and select Add Automatic Discount .
5. If you want to give the second product for free (Same product) , please define the fields like in the picture below.
6. Once defined and saved the page please go to the register and click on sync
7. When the customer purchases one item no discount will be applied
8. When the customer purchases two items the second item will be for free.
9. When the customer purchases three items the third item will ring for the regular price
10. When the customer purchases four items the fourth one will be for free.
B. In order to create this for Particular SKU's at your store please follow this steps
1. Please login to your back office ( from a computer/laptop.
2. Please click on Marketing on the left side.
3. Please click on Discounts and Deals.
4. Click on the three dots button and select Add Automatic Discount .
5. Define the fields according to the picture below,
6. While selecting the SKU's that you want to include in the discount search the SKU, Select them and move them from the left side box to the right side box.
C. In order to create this for Particular Categories at your store please follow this steps
All the steps are same as above but instead selecting the SKU's select the categories you want to include in the discount.