Company Settings

Company Settings

Company Settings allows you to configure your Franpos Account to suit your Retail, Quick Service Restaurant & Services with additional features built in for your own company.


Additional Settings 


  • Show reports by: allows you define the meaning of a day
    • Physical Date: day as shown on a calendar
    • Revenue Date: day = time between drawer opening and drawer closing
  • Enable drawer count: Allows the use of cash drawer features
  • Enable SmartShelves: Allows items to be displayed and selectable on register screen, otherwise you can only ring up by scanning barcode
  • Enable server bank (restaurant only): Special cash mode where waiters/servers individually store cash, then return to the main drawer at end of shift
  • Enable idle timeout (additional settings): the back office will display a lock screen after 10 minutes of inactivity
  • Enable pin code (additional settings): Enables a lock screen that allows employees to quickly switch users, clock-in/out, perform administration actions, and resume an idle device
  • Enable Shipping(additional settings): Activate shipping features on POS, including specifying shipping date and destination
  • Use Avalara Tax(additional settings): enable integration with Avalara tax calculation software
  • Show "All" category (additional settings): Display a category on the POS SmartShelf that displays all items from every category in one place
  • Show category and product images (additional settings): On POS SmartShelf, show category and product image in square with name underneath, otherwise square will contain item/category name inside
  • Enable bundles/prepaid packages (additional settings): Allow creation of bundles, which are groups of regular products priced together
  • Enable tip (additional settings): Global setting for whether tips are prompted on POS

Video Tutorial 

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