Discount calculation. Group by item vs Item per line

Discount calculation. Group by item vs Item per line


In this article, we are going to explain why you may see minor differences in the discount total on the register between grouped items and items per line.


We will use the same item with a price of $2.79 and a discount of 25.000% to make the math more understandable.

Currently, there are 12 of the same single items added to the cart. The subtotal is $33.48, and the discount is $8.40.


When items are grouped:

  • The system calculates the subtotal for the grouped items first and then applies the discount rate to this total amount.
  • In our example:
    • Subtotal: $33.48
    • Discount: $33.48 * 0.25 = $8.40

When items are listed per line:

  • The system calculates the discount for each item individually and then sums up these discounts.
  • In our example:
    • Discount for one item: $2.79 * 0.25 = $0.6975
    • Total discount for 12 items: $0.6975 * 12 = $8.37


The difference arises due to rounding. When the discount is calculated for each item individually and then summed up, the rounding at each step can result in a slightly different total compared to calculating the discount on the grouped subtotal. 

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