Franpos August 2024 Register 4.5 app update

Franpos August 2024 Register 4.5 app update

Release Notes - Franpos App - Version 4.5

You can press on the images/animations to zoom in and make them bigger

What's New

  • FPA-5306 Customer: Introduced a registration feature for FindMyPet.

  • FPA-5295 Payment: Added support for omni-channel payments through Global Payments Canada.

  • FPA-5294 Printing: Upgraded the overall printing technology and introduced a print manager to handle all print jobs, including situations where the printer is out of paper. We hope this resolves all printer issues—if not, perhaps the Printer God is reminding us to save the planet!

  • FPA-5209 Family Booking: Now supports taking deposits for family bookings.


  • FPA-5283 Booking: When creating an appointment for a new customer, the system will now auto-select the newly created customer, eliminating the need to search and add them manually to the booking.

  • FPA-5227 Booking: Added a late indicator on appointments, using the color defined in the back office.

    Based on Booking Settings Late threshold and Status settings:

  • FPA-5288 Customer: Added links under the appointment tab to cancel or edit appointments (if they haven’t been checked in) via the three-dot menu.

  • FPA-5290 Customer Display: Adjusted the spacing above and below the customer name, allowing the loyalty information to move above the scroll.

  • FPA-5299 Tickets: Added a waiver signed indicator under each item where a waiver was signed.

  • FPA-5300 Customer: Converted the "Search back office" text into a real button when searching for a customer not present on the device.

Bug Fixes

  • FPA-5282 Customer: Fixed an issue where custom fields were not displaying when the value in a system field was changed.
  • FPA-5287 Booking: Resolved a bug that caused double-tapping on a time slot to book a second appointment when using the "Book More" option.