Franpos Privacy Policy

Franpos Privacy Policy

Franpos Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 01/01/2024


Franpos ("we," "our," "us") is committed to protecting the privacy and security of the data provided by our retail customers ("you," "your"). This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your data in connection with your use of our system for running retail operations, booking appointments, and running marketing campaigns.

1. Data Collection

1.1 Types of Data Collected

  • Personal Information: This may include your name, contact details, business information, and other identifying information.
  • Operational Data: Information related to your retail operations, including sales data, inventory levels, and transactional records.
  • Appointment Data: Details about appointments made through our system, including customer information, service details, and appointment history.
  • Marketing Data: Information used for marketing purposes, such as customer contact details, marketing preferences, and campaign performance data.

1.2 Method of Collection

  • Data is collected directly from you through various means, including but not limited to registration forms, transactional records, appointment bookings, marketing activities, and direct communication.
  • Data may also be collected automatically through the use of our system, such as usage logs and analytics.

2. Data Usage

2.1 Purpose of Data Usage

  • Retail Operations: To facilitate and enhance your retail operations, including inventory management, sales processing, and operational analytics.
  • Appointment Management: To enable efficient booking, management, and tracking of appointments.
  • Marketing Activities: To support your marketing efforts, including campaign creation, execution, and performance analysis.
  • Service Improvement: To analyze and improve our services, ensuring they meet your needs and expectations.

2.2 Limitation of Use

  • Your data will not be shared with third parties outside the scope of providing our services, except as required by law or with your explicit consent.

3. Data Sharing

3.1 Authorized Sharing

  • Data may be shared with third-party service providers who assist us in delivering our services, under strict confidentiality agreements.
  • Data may also be shared with your customers as part of the services you provide to them through our system.

3.2 Prohibited Sharing

  • We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share your data with any other entities beyond the necessary scope of our service delivery, unless required by law or with your explicit consent.

4. Data Protection

4.1 Security Measures

  • We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
  • Access to your data is restricted to authorized personnel who need it to perform their job duties.

4.2 Data Retention

  • Your data will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy, or as required by law.

5. Your Rights

5.1 Access and Correction

  • You have the right to access and request correction of your data. Please contact us to make such requests.

5.2 Withdrawal of Consent

  • You may withdraw your consent for us to use your data at any time, subject to legal and contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Withdrawal of consent may affect our ability to provide you with certain services.

6. Changes to this Policy

6.1 Updates and Modifications

  • We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes.

7. Contact Us

7.1 Questions and Concerns

  • If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or our data protection practices, please contact us at:

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