In this training, you will learn how to add & edit using GL Code management.
To add and edit GL codes, the user has to select 'Advanced Settings' on the lateral menu and select 'GL Account Manager'.
Edit GL Account Codes
1. The user will be able to add and edit Account Codes
2. The user has the ability to export account codes. - The user can select all the codes or specific codes to export. - The supported formats are .xsl and .cvs
3. On the list view, users have the ability to see 'archived account codes' by activating this view
option 'Show archived codes'.
4. Users are allowed to delete (only archive) codes. This is not a recurrent action since codes
have a history attached.
5. To import GL Account Codes, the user should go to lateral menu, select 'Import/Export' and
upload file on GL Account Codes.
Adding new GL Account Codes
From the list view
1. When the user select 'Add Account code' option, the system will display a dialog that will
contain the fields 'Account Code' , 'Description' and 'Location'.
2. The field location will allow the user to assign an Account Code to multiple locations. As a
reference, this field will behave the same as the 'Location' field on 'Reconcile reasons' page.
3. The fields, including account code, will accept alphanumeric characters.
4. The user will have the option to enable/disable the account code from the 'adding account
code' dialog.
5. Only users with the permissions will be allowed to 'add/edit' GL account codes.