In this training, you will learn how to enable/disable GL account code feature.
1. To enable this feature, the user has to select the option 'Company Settings' on the lateral menu.
2. Then go to 'Additional settings' and enable 'GL Account Codes'. This means: - When 'GL Account Codes' feature is 'Enabled', all the GL code related components will be
displayed on the system. (Product, Discount. TaxSetting, PaymentMethod). This means any
section that contains GL code
- When this feature is 'Disabled' (as default), the user will not be able to see any GL code related
component on the system. - Only the user with the required permissions will be allowed to enable or disable the 'GL
Account Codes' feature. - Once a GL code has been assigned to a product/service, users will not be able to 'Disable'
the 'GL Account Code' feature.
3. The user can enable/disable individual GL codes from 'GL Account Manager'.

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