Growth Marketing Dynamic Content

Growth Marketing Dynamic Content

Growth Marketing Dynamic Content Guide

The following tags will import dynamic content from your brand into your email:

If recipients type is ALL or Child contact: 

- %ParentFirstName%: First name of the Parent/Owner.

- %ParentLastName%: Last name of the Parent/Owner.

- %ChildFirstName%: First name of the Child/Pet.

- %ChildLastName%: Last name of the Child/Pet.

If recipients type is Main contacts/parents: 

- %CustomerFirstName% - Customer First Name

- %CustomerLastName% - Customer Last Name

- %ParameterX%, %ParameterY%, %ParameterZ%: These parameter tags will display the parameter values configured for the campaign. An example of Parameters you can configure would be if the store credit is greater than X and isn’t redeemed in Y days.

- %DiscountCode%: This will link a discount code from the discount database.

- %Products%: This will link with a SKU and display Product name.

- %CompanyLogo%: Logo of your company from company settings.

- %CompanyName%: Your location name from company settings.

- %CompanyAddress%: Your location address from company settings.

- %CompanyPhone%: Your location phone number from company settings.

- %RedeemUrl%: Link to the barcode to redeem discount.

- %eCommerceURL%: Link to the store eCommerce.

- %eCommerceSignupURL%: Link to create an account with your store.

- %LoyaltySignupURL%: Link to create an account with your store.

- %ReferralCode%: Referral code for creating an account.

- %ReferralReward%: Amount of the referral reward for creating an account with the referral code.

- %BookingUrl%: Link for your online booking page.

- %eCommerceHomeURL%: Link for your homepage.

- %UnsubscribeURL%: Link to unsubscribe from marketing.

- %ReviewUrl%: Link to leave a review for your store.

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