Membership Setup 1: Enabling membership and billing

Membership Setup 1: Enabling membership and billing

This article will show you how to setup your store to sell memberships.

First, go to Settings -> Company Settings -> Additional Settings

Scroll down to the section titled "Enable Bundles/Prepaid Packages".


If your account is properly configured, you should see a toggle "Enable membership". Enabling this toggle will allow you to create membership items inside the product catalog.

Note: If you do not see this toggle, your account might not be configured with proper credit card provider settings supporting tokenization.

Slightly above on the same page in the "Register Settings" section, there is another toggle for "Enable Tokenization". If your membership model requires being able to remotely charge credit cards without swiping, this feature should be activated (this toggle appears only if any credit card provider is added to company settings on partner's page).

Other Membership Options:
Use these additional options to customize your membership sale and billing model.

  • "Allow membership sales using Pay Later" (requires Pay Later enabled from payment methods settings): This will allow you to use the Pay Later method to complete a membership sale without charging for it immediately. The balance owed by the member will be visible in the Accounts Receivable report and can be paid for at a later date, using any payment method.
  • "Renew membership using Pay Later" (requires Pay Later enabled from payment methods settings): This will allow any membership that is set for automatic renewal to go straight to accounts receivable via the Pay Later method. The balance owed by the member will be visible in the Accounts Receivable report and can be paid for at a later date, using any payment method.
  • "Auto charge pay later transactions" (requires Pay Later enabled from payment methods settings): This will have the system automatically charge for the previous month's Accounts Receivable balances using a tokenized credit card on file. You will be able to select on which day of the month charge is made.
    • Using this option in conjunction with Pay Later memberships allows the business to charge members for various goods and services (including membership dues) all on the same day.
  • "

Once your company settings for membership are set, you can move on to creating membership items in your catalog to sell.

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