Online Booking Setup

Online Booking Setup

Setup Products - 

Enable Online option for Services - 

  1. Catalog
  2. Products
  3. Manage products/services
  4. Change Type to “Service”
  5. Search

Find the Service that you want to offer online - 

  1. Turn on “Sell Online”
  2. Add an eCommerce friendly name
  3. Create a detailed description (optional)
  4. Save

Update Back Office Settings - 

From the back-office: Settings > General > Booking settings > Online Booking Settings






Enable online booking

Allow to book appointments online


Enable online classes/events

Allow to book classes or events customers can attend in (NOT TURN ON)


Select Locations

Multi-Owners Function


Default Service

Select the default service


Retention Type

Left in Online Booking


Minimum time ahead (minutes)

How many minutes in advance the guest can book an appointment


Maximum days ahead

How many days in advance the guest can book an appointment


Use service time interval

Uses the time duration defined for each service


Search internal

When (8. Use service time interval) OFF, you can define a specific and fixed time for a spot in your schedule


Enable guest booking

Allows the guest to make an appointment


Allow notes

Guest will be able to write notes for the appointment


Enable preferred times

Allows defining specific times during the week to accept online bookings


Add preferred time

When (10. Enable preferred times) ON, allow add multiples preferred start times, preferred end times and preferred days


Show service duration

Display service duration define for each service


Show service price

Display service price define for each service


Enable service provider selection

Allow the guest to select the service provider


Require service provider selection

Force the guest to select one service provider in the list


How do you want system to assign appointments

When (15. Require service provider selection) OFF, you can select the way the system will assign a service provider. Has 3 choices: Assign to the most booked employee, assign to the least booked employee or assign randomly


Enable deposit

Enable this feature to collect partial or full amount for booked appointment via configured credit card payment at the last online booking step. Collected amount will be placed on customer account and can be used as a payment at the checkout process


Deposit percentage

When (16. Enable deposit) ON, defines the percentage % that will be collect based in the price of the service select


Deposit instructions

Provide the customer with terms and conditions for providing a deposit on their service

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