Prerequisite - Enabling eCommerce / Having an eCommerce payment provider
Proceed to Settings > eCommerce on
At the bottom of the screen turn on “Enable Orders Throttling”
- Default Preparation Time - Amount of time it will take to prepare the food/item
- Lead Time – Amount of time before the order is to be picked up that the receipt will print in the kitchen or post to the KDS
- Conditional orders preparation time tiers – Ability to define longer prep times by Category. For example, Grilled Chicken taking longer to prep from scratch versus an order of French fries
- Max items qty in cart allowed – Maximum number of items you have in the cart at one time
- Kitchen bandwidth – Amount of orders the kitchen can prepare simultaneously per slot time
- Slot time – Timeframe in which you can accept the amount of orders setup under bandwidth. Suggested to match default average preparation time
- Maximum slot shifting allowed - Defines the amount of time simultaneous orders will be moved before they are rejected and placed into the next set of time.