Product import draft

Product import draft

In this training, you will learn more information about the product import file.
Fileds with asterisks are mandatory (example *Product Name*), without values in them the import will fail.

Field nameDescriptionNotes
CID Location ID
*Product Name* Name of the item
SKU UPC/Barcode This is the unique field for every item. It is also being used to update items in future requests. If no SKU is entered system will generate a random unique one.
Product Code Another unique code for the same item
*Price* Selling price of the item Price cannot be empty or negative. 0 is an acceptable value
Price Unit Selling unit of measure - Each, Lb, Oz, Gal, Kg Selling unit of measure - Each, Pound, Ounce, Gallon, Kilogram
Member Price Special price for members who have purchased membersip
Cost Purchase cost If no value is persent, no cost will be set for this item
Stock Quantity Quantity on hand (QoH) If no value is persent, default value is 0
Min. reorder point Minimum reorder quanity Setting this field allows items to show in the low stock report when the quantity on hand falls below this number
Max. reorder point Maximum reorder quanity Setting this field helps the system to calculate the max buying level when ordering this item via PO
*Category* Category where this item will be shown under You can use >> to define categories hierarchy: Parent >> Child >> Grandchild (Example Dog Food >> Frozen Food)
*Category code* Unique code for this category Setting this field helps with editing category across multiple locations
Vendor Name Name of the vendor where you purchase this item from Vendor will be added to the Catalog with Import if it doesn't exist yet
Vendor Code Unique code for this vendor Setting this value helps with editing vendor across multiple location
Brand name Name of the company who manufactures this item
Brand code Unique code for this Brand Setting this field helps with editing Brand across multiple locations
Tax category Set the tax category that you want to apply to this item If you do not set tax category, system will set it as None which means no tax will be collected for this item.
Short description Short description for this item. 150 characters max This short description shows on eCommerce only.
Long Description Long description for this item (supports HTML) Long description shows only on eCommerce.
Keywords Comma-seperated keywords for this item Items can be searched by keyword on the POS and the eCommerce
Tags Tags for this item (comma-seperated) Items can be searched by tags on the POS and the eCommerce
Bin/aisle number Location of this item
Attribute Type Legacy field
Attribute Name Legacy field
Attribute Additional amount Legacy field
Allow Ship Set this field to TRUE if this item can be shipped Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their shipping orders
Qualified for installment  Set this field to TRUE if you want to offer payment plan on this item
Allow Price Override Allow price override Setting this field to TRUE allows cashier without price editing access permissions to override item's price during sale
Allow negative quantity in store pickup Setting this field to TRUE allows the store to sell this item even if its quantity on hand is zero or negative Default value is FALSE
Not for sale Setting this field prohibits this item from being sold online or at the store Default value is FALSE
Add Serial Number Set this field to TRUE, if you want to ask for serial number during sales
SKU type Long or Short Default is long which is 9 digits, Short is 6 digits
Add to discount category Enter comma separate discount codes, to enroll this item's category in those discount program
Add to discount by SKU  Enter comma separate discount codes, to enroll this item in those discount program
Sell online Seting this field marks the item as available on eCommerce Default value is TRUE
Is Matrix Set this field to TRUE if this item is a Matrix Default value is FALSE
Revenue Account Code Set this field for GL code tracking Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field
Inventory Account Code  Set this field for GL code tracking Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field
COGS Account Code Set this field for GL code tracking Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field
Track Inventory Set value for this field if you track inventory for this item Default value is TRUE
Purchasing Stock Unit Name Buying stock unit name Enter a name like Case, Box, etc
Purchasing Stock Unit Code Unique code for this Stock unit Entered value helps with editing this purchasing stock unit across muliple locations
Purchasing Quantity Set this field if the product you buy comes in a case or  a box etc Enter the quanity that this item is purchased in
Purchasing Unit Measure Purchasing unit of measure - Each, Lb, Oz, Gal, Kg Purchasing unit of measure - Each, Pound, Ounce, Gallon, Kilogram
Image Url This URL will be used as a source of the main image for this item Only one link can be present in the field
Additional Image 1 Url This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item
Additional Image 2 Url This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item
Additional Image 3 Url This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item
Allow Deliver Set this field to TRUE if this item can be delivered Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their delivery orders
Allow Pickup Set this field to TRUE if this item can be picked up at store Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their pickup orders
Weight Weight of the product in pounds This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine
Width Width of the product in inches This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine
Height Height of the product in inches This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine
Length Lenght of the product in inches This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine
Show on SmartShelf Set this field to TRUE if you want to see this item as a quick buy option on the POS (the right side of register)
Enable subscription Enables recurring automatic ordering of this item with preferred delivery method
Subscription frequency Comma separated numeric value
Subscription period Week, Month, Day
Product variants (SKU comma-separated) Comma-separated list of SKUs that are sold under the same name but different sizes, eCommerce only
Impulse buy (SKU comma-separated) Comma-separated list of any related SKUs which will be shown as purchase suggestions on the POS or eCommerce
Pay by membership Pay by membership

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