Field name | Description | Notes |
CID | Location ID | |
*Product Name* | Name of the item | |
SKU | UPC/Barcode | This is the unique field for every item. It is also being used to update items in future requests. If no SKU is entered system will generate a random unique one. |
Product Code | Another unique code for the same item | |
*Price* | Selling price of the item | Price cannot be empty or negative. 0 is an acceptable value |
Price Unit | Selling unit of measure - Each, Lb, Oz, Gal, Kg | Selling unit of measure - Each, Pound, Ounce, Gallon, Kilogram |
Member Price | Special price for members who have purchased membersip | |
Cost | Purchase cost | If no value is persent, no cost will be set for this item |
Stock Quantity | Quantity on hand (QoH) | If no value is persent, default value is 0 |
Min. reorder point | Minimum reorder quanity | Setting this field allows items to show in the low stock report when the quantity on hand falls below this number |
Max. reorder point | Maximum reorder quanity | Setting this field helps the system to calculate the max buying level when ordering this item via PO |
*Category* | Category where this item will be shown under | You can use >> to define categories hierarchy: Parent >> Child >> Grandchild (Example Dog Food >> Frozen Food) |
*Category code* | Unique code for this category | Setting this field helps with editing category across multiple locations |
Vendor Name | Name of the vendor where you purchase this item from | Vendor will be added to the Catalog with Import if it doesn't exist yet |
Vendor Code | Unique code for this vendor | Setting this value helps with editing vendor across multiple location |
Brand name | Name of the company who manufactures this item | |
Brand code | Unique code for this Brand | Setting this field helps with editing Brand across multiple locations |
Tax category | Set the tax category that you want to apply to this item | If you do not set tax category, system will set it as None which means no tax will be collected for this item. |
Short description | Short description for this item. 150 characters max | This short description shows on eCommerce only. |
Long Description | Long description for this item (supports HTML) | Long description shows only on eCommerce. |
Keywords | Comma-seperated keywords for this item | Items can be searched by keyword on the POS and the eCommerce |
Tags | Tags for this item (comma-seperated) | Items can be searched by tags on the POS and the eCommerce |
Bin/aisle number | Location of this item | |
Attribute Type | Legacy field | |
Attribute Name | Legacy field | |
Attribute Additional amount | Legacy field | |
Allow Ship | Set this field to TRUE if this item can be shipped | Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their shipping orders |
Qualified for installment | Set this field to TRUE if you want to offer payment plan on this item | |
Allow Price Override | Allow price override | Setting this field to TRUE allows cashier without price editing access permissions to override item's price during sale |
Allow negative quantity in store pickup | Setting this field to TRUE allows the store to sell this item even if its quantity on hand is zero or negative | Default value is FALSE |
Not for sale | Setting this field prohibits this item from being sold online or at the store | Default value is FALSE |
Add Serial Number | Set this field to TRUE, if you want to ask for serial number during sales | |
SKU type | Long or Short | Default is long which is 9 digits, Short is 6 digits |
Add to discount category | Enter comma separate discount codes, to enroll this item's category in those discount program | |
Add to discount by SKU | Enter comma separate discount codes, to enroll this item in those discount program | |
Sell online | Seting this field marks the item as available on eCommerce | Default value is TRUE |
Is Matrix | Set this field to TRUE if this item is a Matrix | Default value is FALSE |
Revenue Account Code | Set this field for GL code tracking | Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field |
Inventory Account Code | Set this field for GL code tracking | Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field |
COGS Account Code | Set this field for GL code tracking | Enable GL Code feature if you are setting value for this field |
Track Inventory | Set value for this field if you track inventory for this item | Default value is TRUE |
Purchasing Stock Unit Name | Buying stock unit name | Enter a name like Case, Box, etc |
Purchasing Stock Unit Code | Unique code for this Stock unit | Entered value helps with editing this purchasing stock unit across muliple locations |
Purchasing Quantity | Set this field if the product you buy comes in a case or a box etc | Enter the quanity that this item is purchased in |
Purchasing Unit Measure | Purchasing unit of measure - Each, Lb, Oz, Gal, Kg | Purchasing unit of measure - Each, Pound, Ounce, Gallon, Kilogram |
Image Url | This URL will be used as a source of the main image for this item | Only one link can be present in the field |
Additional Image 1 Url | This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item | |
Additional Image 2 Url | This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item | |
Additional Image 3 Url | This URL will be used as a source for the additional image for this item | |
Allow Deliver | Set this field to TRUE if this item can be delivered | Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their delivery orders |
Allow Pickup | Set this field to TRUE if this item can be picked up at store | Setting this field allows customers to order this product with their pickup orders |
Weight | Weight of the product in pounds | This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine |
Width | Width of the product in inches | This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine |
Height | Height of the product in inches | This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine |
Length | Lenght of the product in inches | This field is used on eCommerce to calculate shipping fee using ShipEngine |
Show on SmartShelf | Set this field to TRUE if you want to see this item as a quick buy option on the POS (the right side of register) | |
Enable subscription | Enables recurring automatic ordering of this item with preferred delivery method | |
Subscription frequency | Comma separated numeric value | |
Subscription period | Week, Month, Day | |
Product variants (SKU comma-separated) | Comma-separated list of SKUs that are sold under the same name but different sizes, eCommerce only | |
Impulse buy (SKU comma-separated) | Comma-separated list of any related SKUs which will be shown as purchase suggestions on the POS or eCommerce | |
Pay by membership | Pay by membership |