Product Import File

Product Import File

In this training, you will learn more information about the product import file.

*Product Name*

The display name on the POS, required.


The main barcode. If you leave this blank, we will auto-generate one for you.

Product Code

Alternative identification code. Item can be searched on POS via Product Code as well.



Member Price

Price for customers who bought membership; not applicable.


The cost of buying this item from the vendor.

Stock Quantity

How many of this item the store has on hand.

Reorder point

Defines what the system considers a “low stock item” for reordering purposes.


Same as departments. Required.

Vendor name

Name of vendor this item is ordered from

Vendor Code

Unique identifier for the vendor, when importing it MUST match vendor code already in the system, or else duplicate vendors will be created.

Tax category

Which tax category this item belongs to. A single tax category (e.g. Sales Tax) can contain multiple tax lines (e.g. City tax 3%, state tax 4%).

Short Description

Used in eCommerce pages

Long Description

Used in eCommerce pages


Used to help search for the product. Comma separated.


Used to help categorize and search for the product. Comma separated.

Bin/aisle number

Used to identify where item must be placed into store after receiving it.

Attribute Type

Item modifiers, not applicable.

Attribute Name

Item modifiers, not applicable.

Attribute Additional amount

Used to create priced modifiers for items.

Ship only

Indicates that this item cannot be bought and taken from store; it can only be bought and placed for shipping.

Qualified for installment

Indicates whether the item is qualified for financing.

Price Can be Free

If false, price of this item cannot be set to zero.

Allow negative quantity in store pickup

Allows the sale of this item on POS even when stock quantity falls to zero or below.

Not for Sale

If set to true, this item will exist in system, but not be available to be sold on POS.

Add serial number

Allows the generation of unique serial number for each sold item.

SKU type

Affects how long auto-generated SKU will be (if SKU is left to be generated by system).

Add to discount category

Allows you to import this item already associated with a category-based discount. Enter in discount code of desired discount.

Add to discount by SKU

Allows you to import this item already associated with a SKU-based discount. Enter in discount code of desired discount.

Sell online

Affects whether this item will be available for purchase in eCommerce platforms.

Is Matrix

Indicates whether this item is a “base item” used for generating matrix combinations.

Revenue Account Code

Used in the General Ledger Report. (if enabled)

Inventory Account Code

Used in the General Ledger Report. (if enabled)

COGS Account Code

Used in the General Ledger Report. (if enabled)

EBT qualified

Indicates if this item can be bought with EBT/SNAP payments (food stamps).

Track Inventory

If set to false, system will not update stock quantity upon sale of item.

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