

You can sync your data from FranPOS to your QuickBooks online account. Follow the steps below to Integrate your Quickbook with Franpos:


1. In your Back Office, please go to Settings >> QuickBooks

2. Turn on the "Enable integrated QuickBooks" toggle

3. Press on the "Create new connection"-button


Optional Step: In case you have multiple locations and you want to sync them to QBO, you can select an existing connection on the right. This can only be done once QBO has been connected with Franpos. 



4. After you connected your QBO account with Franpos, you will see the following window. Please press the "Initialize"-Button. 




5. You can now set the sync date/time or press "Sync now" and Franpos will automatically start syncing on this date/time





What information is being synced? 

- Your POS will sync the following once per day: 




  1. All sales will be synced within single sales receipt and mapped to one customer (POS Customer)
  2. Sales receipt will be deposited to Undeposited Funds account (Other Current Asset/Undeposited Funds)
  3. Categories will be synced to QB side as Non-inventory item with name, sku (category code) and Sales account (Income/Sales Of Product Income)
  4. All payment methods (including custom) will be synced to QB side as service with name (PMT - name) and Undeposited Funds account (Other Current Asset/Undeposited Funds)
  5. Unique (by name) taxes will be synced to QB side as service with name and Sales Tax Payable account (Other Current Liability/Sales Tax Payable)
  6. All drawer operations will be synced to QB as Journal Entries
  7. Received Purchase Orders will be synced to QB as Bills
  8. Inventory (COGS, Waste, Spoilage) will be synced to QB as Journal Entries




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