In this training, we will learn how to Reconcile & Receive products to adjust Inventory counts
Catalog >> Inventory management >> Receive/Reconcile products
- Select ‘Reconcile Product’ operation
- You can search or scan product by SKU, Product Code, or Product Name -
- Scan the item multiple times
- Scan more than one item at a time
- All will populate in grid once "add items" has been selected
- Can also load the products from category, vendor, or brand
- Check/Uncheck the toggles for
- Only negative quantity
- Generate barcode
- Zero-out uncounted
- Click ‘Add items’ to proceed
- Items will appear that you have specified in the table.
- Update the quantity, stock unit, and reason if applicable
- Click ‘Save’ to proceed
- Activity tab will be displayed which shows total item has been reconciled
- Download zip files if needed

Catalog >> Inventory management >> Receive/Reconcile products
- Select ‘Receive Product’ operation
- You can search or scan product by SKU, Product Code, or Product Name
- Scan the item multiple times
- Scan more than one item at a time
- All will populate in grid once "add items" has been selected
- Can also load the products from category, vendor, or brand
- Check/Uncheck the toggles for
- Only negative quantity
- Generate barcode
- Average the costs
- Click ‘Add items’ to proceed
- Update the receiving stock quantity, quantity, cost, and price
- Click ‘Save’ to proceed
- Activity tab will be displayed which shows total item has been received
- Download zip files if needed
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