Retail - Add Product And Service

Retail - Add Product And Service

In this example, we will learn how to add the product to your Franpos system. Adding service is very similar and we’ll refer it to the relevant step.

  • Catalog >> Product & Service >> Product
  1. Select ‘+’ icon
  2. Select on Product (or Service) Name the product
  3. Fill the missing fields (Category required)



Fields Definition

  • SKU: This is the main identifier of your product, and should correspond with the barcode to be scanned to sell this product at the register. For common packaged products, the UPC code should go here.
  • Product Code: This is an extra identifier if your business has an additional classification system for products. Product code can also be scanned at the register.
  • Price: You are able to choose "Each" (default) or a measurement such as ounces and pounds if the item is to be weighed in bulk.
  • Cost: Shows the current cost of the item which can be adjusted if necessary. Keep in mind that cost is typically defined and adjusted in the process of inventory management, rather than from the product catalog.
  • Markup/Margin %: These fields update automatically to reflect based on the Price and Cost.
  • Track Inventory: When ON, stock quantities are tracked normally. When OFF, stock quantities do not deduct automatically from making sales.
  • Min/Max Reorder Points: Used to define when an item should be considered "low stock" for inventory management purposes. 
  • Stock Quantity: The amount of this product you have in stock.
  • Purchasing Stock Unit: If you have stock units created, you can assign them to a product here. Used to conveniently order/receive new products in bulk rather than individually.
  • Purchasing Quantity: Used to customize how many individual counts of your product belong to the assigned stock unit. Defaults to the conversion value defined in the stock unit itself.
  • Tax Category: If you have created tax categories, assign them to the product here. This is the tax that gets applied when this item is added to the cart.
  • Show on smartshelf: If OFF, then the product will be hidden from the user interface on the register (but can still be added to cart by scanning).
  • Enable online ordering: Allows this product to be visible in any integrated online eCommerce solutions.

Add Category

  1. Select ‘+’ icon on add product page
  2. Name category e.g. T-Shirt
  3. Click ‘Save’


Add Vendor

In this training, you will learn how to add vendors to your store. Vendor information is crucial for inventory management, particularly when creating purchase orders.

  1. Select ‘+’ icon on the add product page
  2. Name vendor e.g. Pyramid
  3. Click ‘Save’


 Video Tutorial 



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