Tax by zip code

Tax by zip code

In this training you will learn how to setup tax by zip code,state.

List of zip codes per state -

Back-office setup (eCommerce tax)

1) Proceed to

2) Select the red plus to the right to add a tax

    a) Enter the tax category name and tax category code

    b) Turn on the toggle “Enable tax zone”

    c) Select Save

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

3) Click on your newly created tax

4) Hit the plus in the top right corner to create a sub-tax within the sales tax.

    a) Enter the tax name and tax code

    b) Select your tax type

    c) Set the tax percentage

    d) Turn on Show on eCommerce if tax is for eCommerce only

    e) Available on POS toggle should be off

    f) Change “apply when” drop-down toggle to “zip code matches”

5) There are three options within this field

    a) A range of zip codes – 10001-10003

    b) Multiple specific zip codes – 10001, 10002, 10003

    c) Using the “*” wild card matches anything beginning with ‘xzy’.

6) Save your selection

7) Repeat for any other territory where you need the tax to be different

When you need a different tax category for Point of Sale

This section would only be needed if you have a tax that is specific to in store transactions, or you are going to sell remotely and need a special rate.

Back-office setup (POS)

1) Proceed to

2) Select the red plus to the right to add a tax

    a) Enter the tax category name and tax category code

    b) Turn on the toggle “Enable tax zone”

    c) Select Save

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

3) Click on your newly created tax

4) Hit the plus in the top right corner to create a sub-tax within the sales tax.

    a) Enter the tax name and tax code

    b) Select your tax type

    c) Set the tax percentage

    d) Turn on Available on POS toggle

Android app setup

1) Proceed to Settings > Features on the FranPOS app

2) Change the Tax category override drop down to your newly created “Available on POS” tax

Graphical user interface, tableDescription automatically generated

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