Create a service

Create a service

Hello, in this article we will teach you how to create a service in the Franpos system.
      1. Navigate to -> Catalog -> Product and Service.
      2. Click on the pink plus sign in the circle on the right-hand side of the screen -> Select Service.
      3. You will see a screen with a form that you need to fill out to create a service.


  1.  Please see below for field explanations:

    1. Service Name* - Name of the service. This field is mandatory.
    2. SKU* - SKU of the service, generated automatically but can be changed as needed. This field is mandatory.
    3. Service Type - Define what type of service it is. Four options are available.
    4. Category* - The category to which this service belongs. This field is mandatory.
    5. Service Code - Code of the service, technically works like a secondary SKU.
    6. Price - Default price of the service. This field is mandatory.
    7. Cost - Cost of the service.
    8. Employees to Assign - Select which service providers can perform this service. If you miss this step, it can be adjusted later by following this article: Assign Service Providers.
    9. Member Price - Price of the service for customers with membership.
    10. Tax Category - Tax category for that service. Depending on your company settings, this field may be mandatory.
    11. Service Time - How long it takes to accomplish this service.
    12. Resource - Resources needed for this service.
    13. Button Color - Color of the button for this service on the smart shelves.
    14. Allow Price Override - Allow your front desk employees to override the price for this service at checkout.
    15. Not for Sale - Prevent this service from being sold.
    16. Show on SmartShelf - Show this service on the POS smart shelves.
    17. Sell Online - Show this service on the online booking page.
    18. Quick Quantities - Not needed for services.
    19. eCommerce Name - Service name that will be displayed on the online booking page.
    20. Is Featured - Promote this service on the eCommerce page.
    21. Pay by Membership - Allow this service to be paid for with a membership.
    22. Companion Item - SKU of the item that will be added to the cart during checkout.
    23. Short Description - Description of the service that will be displayed on the eCommerce page.
    24. Notify Customers - Inform customers that a new service has been added using automated marketing.
    25. Locations to Add - Select multiple locations where this service will be added.
    26. Waiver - If a specific waiver is needed for the service, it can be defined using this field.

Follow these steps to successfully create a new service in the Franpos system.

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