In this article, you will learn how to setup EDI for supported vendors (electronic ordering and invoicing), submit and receive the Purchase Order using EDI.
List of currently supported Vendors/Distributors:
- Burgham
- Southeast Pet
- Sunburst
- Trueman Distribution
The first step is to configure the Vendors in the Back Office:
- Go to Catalog >> Vendor

- Find the supported Vendor in your list and press on them to edit the EDI configuration, fill out your details:

- Save the changes.
After the EDI setup is completed, proceed to create a Purchase Order as usual.
Changing the Purchase Order status to 'In Progress' will give you a new button:
'Send EDI file to Vendor' which will submit the order to the Vendor for processing using the EDI format (you can learn more about it here)

Note: Sending the PO to Vendor will disable the ability to make any further change to this PO
With the EDI file sent to Vendor, the PO will change the status to 'Sent to Vendor'

At this stage, you can resend the EDI file to Vendor using the 3-dots button if the need arises:
After the Vendor processes the order and ships out the items, you will see the status change to 'Shipped' in your PO list:

At the receiving stage of the PO, a new option will be available based on the EDI file that the Vendor created. This option will update the cost, received quantity, and price with a relative markup for the items in the PO:
At this point, you can either use the EDI file the Vendor provided with the 'Apply' button to receive the PO, or receive the PO manually as usual.