Incorrect schedule on a booking screen

Incorrect schedule on a booking screen

In this article we will show how to fix the issue when you see incorrect schedule on your booking screen (For example your working hours 09:00 AM - 05:00PM and booking screen inside Register app showing   08:00 AM - 04:00PM).
1. Check on the back office if time zone is correct. Login on -> Settings -> 
Company settings -> Time zone dropdown.

2. Check if time zone is correct on a POS. Go to settings (android settings) -> Date and time -> Disable "Automatic date & time" and "Automatic time zone". After that adjust time zone, date and time manually.
3. Open register app and close drawer (if it`s open). Options -> Close drawer. Sync two times after that. 
4. Proceed a DB reset. Click on Information symbol on top left corner -> Diagnostic -> Reset database.
5. Stop register app. Android settings -> Apps -> Register -> Force stop.

6. Open back Register  app and log in back. 
7. After Register will sync all date booking screen should be OK. 

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