QuickBooks- Sync Tickets

QuickBooks- Sync Tickets

** Note: This article refers to the QBO line-by-line sync feature which has been deprecated in favor of the QBO summary sync feature. Please see this article for more details.

This article will show you how to sync your tickets to your QuickBooks Account.

After you connected your QuickBooks account with the Franpos back office, you need to do the following:


1. Selected the time and date you want your items to sync

2. You can then press on "sync now" if there are items you wish to sync.



 What should you do if your Ticket was not synced, but skipped due to an error while syncing?

1. Go to the Tickets page

2. Select the ticket that indicates that it was skipped



3. Click the "Batch Actions" button and select "Resync selected tickets". 


Your tickets should then be synced with QuickBooks.

If this doesn't work, check for error messages on the QuickBooks page in your back office https://my.franpos.com/QuickBooks/. Please also make sure that your Account is set up correctly by following these steps:


POS will sync following:

  1. Payments: there are 5 different payment methods we support right now
    1. Cash
    2. Check
    3. Credit Card
    4. Gift Card
    5. Other
    We are trying to find these methods by name on QBO side first if not exists – create them
  2. We do not create every product on QBO side, we just create two types of products:
    1. Product (Income Account - Sales of Product Income, Inventory Asset Account - Inventory Asset, Expense Account - Cost of Goods Sold)
    2. Service (Income Account - Services)
    These 2 items will be used for all line items in order with details in the description for each. 
    Due to the limitation of QBO services, we need to create few items with the type of service on their side to support our logic such as:
    1. Tips
    2. Reward points
    3. Customer balance
    4. Tax (our tax system is more flexible than QBO has)
    All these items will be created (if not exist) on QBO side with an account of type Services
  3. Customers - We do not sync customers to QBO side, we just create Guest Customer which will be attached to every order
  4. Discounts - For discounts, we create a new account with Discounts given a name (Account Type – Income, Classification – Revenue, Account Sub Type – Discounts Refunds Given). Each discount will be synced to QBO as a separate item with the type of Discount, name from iConnect discount and Income Account as previously created.
  5. Tickets - Tickets will be synced as Invoice in case of sales (positive total) and Refund Receipt in case of refund (negative total).
  6. Payments - Payments will be synced as Payment for sale transactions only (Invoice). Refund Receipt on QBO side does not support payment detalization.
  7. All data syncs at Mid-night Mountain Time

Video Tutorial 

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