Create/Attach/Sign/Download Waiver for Product

Create/Attach/Sign/Download Waiver for Product

Create/Attach/Sign/Download Waiver for Product

This article will help you learn how to Create a waiver in back office, Attach the waiver to product from Catalog page in back office, how a customer can sign the waiver on the Customer display and finally how to download the signed waiver from back office.

Create Waiver

1. Please click on Settings and then on Waiver like in picture below.

2. Click on the red plus button like in the picture below

3. Please define the parameters accordingly.

4. Once you define all the fields and save - it looks like in the picture below

This completes Creating the Waiver

B. Attaching the Waiver to Product

1. Please click on Catalog and then on Products/Services

2. Find the Product you wish to attach the waiver to - then select the waiver to attach and Save the page.

This completes the process of Attaching the waiver to product 

Signing the Waiver on the POS Customer Display

FYI - There should be a customer profile attached for sure to use this feature on POS Register

1. Please sync your register like in the picture below.

2. Create/Pull or Attach the customer profile to the Cart 

3. Scan or Add the product to the cart which have Waiver attached.

4. This is the message employee will see as soon as he/she click or scan the product

5. This is how it is displayed on the Customer screen

6. The Customer can agree and sign the waiver.

7. Employee completes the sale.

This completes signing the waiver process on POS Customer display

Download the Waiver Customer Signed

1. Please click on Customers in back office

2. Select the Customer profile and Download the Waiver signed accordingly

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